This post is a couple of weeks overdue. After having gone to the inaugural event last year I submitted a paper this year that was accepted (stable talk). So wifey and I (and this year accompanied with one of my team members) headed down to Louisville and the second annual DerbyCon.
I signed up for Chris Nickerson's and Ian Amit's Red team training, which was great and at several times completely overwhelming. Tons of great tools I'd never even heard of, some fun physical testing and tools and a completely mind blowing introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming and real social engineering. Well worth it.
Lots of great hallway talks and great to meet in person some folks I've met this past year on twitter. The talks I sat in on were mostly stellar. I had a good crowd and had a lot of fun. The hotel staff apparently told the DerbyCon organizers that this DerbyCon weekend out drank this year's Kentucky Derby weekend, so there's that. And what do drunk infosec professionals do for entertainment besides social engineering each other and set up fake cell transmitters? Play boisterous chess matches in the lobby until dawn, of course. Well played @egyp7 and @bandrel.
Thanks to the DerbyCon Staff and organizers for another great event (and for accepting my talk), the hotel staff and all the great people who make this community a true community.
Edit: I did my Business Ramifications talk on Friday and received really great feedback and discussions throughout. Thanks everyone who attended.