As a diligent information security professional and consultant, I have historically subscribed to the low and slow research theory, that it is better to keep a more stealthy internet presence in an effort to gather and analyze data in the white/grey/black hat arenas and to keep a smaller "profile" for myself. While not completely adverse to public spotlight opportunities, for years it made sense to me that by keeping a low professional profile and not potentially making myself a target for one thing or another at the end of the day gave me the ability to better serve my clients who look to me as a trusted resource to assist them in improving their overall security postures. Which clearly I no longer subscribe to, as evidenced by starting this blog. Without trying to extract the most convenient excuse available, things change. After assessing this long term behavior I have come to the conclusion that there are more benefits both personally and professionally to begin eliciting a more public voice in the industry I have chosen to be a part of.
I hope in the end this blog can be informative and educating, truthful and critical of the information security industry and IT in general, and entertaining. Like most blogs, there will be reposts, links and other things that are not of my own creation in addition to personal opinions and insights with the obvious objective of getting interesting and logical ideas and issues out to more people. So we shall see.