Monday, November 15, 2010

TSA's slippery slope is already an avalanche

This is getting ridiculous. Infosec guru Schneier wrote about it in his 2003 book "Beyond Fear" and has made it a regular topic on his blog for good reason (e.g. A huge challenge in successfully enforcing security policy is identity, including in regards to airport security. Removing your shoes, 3 oz bottles and, more recently, full body x-ray scanners are all reactionary countermeasures that do not address the real problems (but certainly have garnered a very large budget). I will not beat a dead horse and bring up the scores of stories of the TSA harassing children, old ladies and your everyday american and non-american world traveler. Instead, I will focus on the last few weeks. Since the introduction of the full body scanners we have seen the TSA harass not only passengers but pilots as well. Yesterday, Forbes contributor Art Carden published a well thought out essay on why we should abolish the TSA and today in a Fox News interview TSA chief Mo McGowan said his organization had every right to and would violate US citizen's 4th amendment rights to justify the ends of "securing" airports and airline travel. This is my two cent plea for our government to a) give some teeth and substance to top security positions so that b) we can actually attract and retain Infosec and Risk professionals that understand the security issues in said positions.

Pilot denied access to plane for refusing full body scan and grope-down, supported by fellow pilots:

This is, well, illegal, and quite disturbing:

Detailed account of passenger declining body scan and the new and improved grope-downs with video:

Forbes - abolish TSA for obvious reasons:

TSA chief says we will if need be violate our citizens 4th amendment protections:

Atlantic's Jeffery Goldberg's fantastic idea for November 24th's National Opt-out day - KILTS!!!