Wednesday, July 30, 2014

BSidesCLE 2014 Success

BSidesCLE 2014 is over and was a huge success. I'm not sure how, but there really were no major hiccoughs anywhere and it all went very smooth. There were a couple of cable fails here and there but for the most part it was a smashing success. Total attendance was a little over 200 and a lot of people stayed through the day and through the dinner and after-party. We provided coffee, bagels and muffins in the AM, the FiredUp Taco Food truck for lunch and Fried Chicken, parmesan redskin potatoes and salad for those that stayed around for dinner and afterparty. Actual Brewery from Columbus provided a couple of kegs of their microbrews (which were great) and we had a bloody mary bar for most of the AM. Our venue was the legendary Grog Shop music bar and their associated underground lounge below it called the BSide Arcade and Liquor Lounge (after all the talks were done we fired up the pinball and video games).

Much thanks to our awesome speakers:

Dave Kennedy
Ed McCabe
Brandon Geise
Spencer McIntyre
Jamie Murdock
Mark Kikta
Adrian Crenshaw
Kevin Gennuso
Eric Mikulas
Adam Hogan
Jeff Moss
Doug Hiwiller
Damon Ramsey
Gregorie Thomas
Deral Heiland
Zach Wojton
Nick Jacob
Steven Legg
Nathaniel Maier
Tom Kopchak
Warren Kopp

Much thanks to our great sponsors:

Black Box
Something New Entertainment
Information Security Summit
Hurricane Labs
Actual Brewery

Super thanks to our venue:

Grog Shop
BSide Liquor Lounge Arcade

Thanks to our volunteers:

Brent McRoberts
Justin Schmitt
Justin Alcorn
Jason Ashton
Alex Kott

Thanks to my co-organizers:

Justin Herman
Anna-Jeannine Herman
Ben Pijor
Jim Kennedy
Susie Brockway
Joshua Lochner

And thanks for everyone who attended and made BSidesCLE an amazing event. We will see you next year.